Safeguarding True Diversity: The Case for Absolute Individual Freedoms in a Pluralistic Society

Subcultures represent microcosms within a larger society, each distinguished by its own set of beliefs, values, practices, and creating a unique individual identity for members of that subculture. These can emerge based on shared interests, such as music genres, hobbies, religious affiliations, or cultural backgrounds. In the United States, for example, one can find a kaleidoscope of subcultures, ranging from the modern  tech-savvy enthusiasts of Silicon Valley to vibrant traditional communities celebrating religious, cultural and ethnic diversity across this great land in both urban and rural neighborhoods.

In the varied and always changing conglomeration of American society, these subcultures provide critical parts to the vibrant diversity of this great melting pot. However, as these subcultures interact with one another, questions about the preservation of individual freedoms become paramount. This article argues from a pro-individualism perspective, asserting that making individual freedoms absolute is the best protection for all individuals and thus for all subcultures. To comprehend this stance, it is essential to delve into the interactions of subcultures, the Constitution's protections, and the broader societal implications.

The Political Manipulation of Subcultures:

Interactions between subcultures are inevitable in a society as diverse as ours. These interactions can take various forms, from peaceful coexistence to heated debates and unfortunately even violent clashes. The dynamics among subcultures are influenced by factors such as historical context, political power plays, social activism, and prevailing societal norms. While some interactions are harmonious, others give rise to tensions.  There is an often overlooked component to these tensions masquerading as a solution - political manipulation of identity politics.

Politicians love to try to politicize these social frictions. Our history is filled with examples.  Take the Democrat party as just one example (speaking here of the political elite, not party members).  As the proponents of slavery and in control of the slave vote, they forced the nation into conflict when abolition threatened their power.  As the losers of that conflict, they tried to use violence and intimidation through the KKK to control the voting process. Once defeated on that front, they resorted to social and economic pressure through efforts such as forming unions to keep black citizens out of jobs in an attempt to gain voter support.  Once that proved ineffective, they switched to both real and economic bribery to control the black vote. 

This is to say nothing about the eugenics based Planned Parenthood destroying black lives, government experiments on the black population and a host of other programs destroying the black family and community. Or their violent attacks on successful black communities such as Tulsa, OK.  Their political party's history is filled with example after example of their attempted political manipulation over the issue of black citizen's rights up to and including today. 

Now we see them also using the LGBTQ issue (especially the black trans community) to yet again politicize a social issue for their political power.  They do not care about solving any of these social issues equitably or peacefully.  They only seek to utilize whatever voting block is easiest to manipulate via political promise.  The simplest validation of this political manipulation is the answer to a simple question.  How have they actually bettered the lives of any black community anywhere and in any measurable way after decades of single party rule?

The answer is simple; they haven’t. Instead, they have created nothing but more tension, resentment, victimization, and disharmony by promising one group after another political favors based on racial issues.  This criticism does not apply only to the Democrat political elite.  The Republican political elite have become no better despite their admirable foundations.  How can we then possibly coexist peacefully when identity politics is being manipulated this way? How can we be equal before the law if one subculture or another is continually given political preeminence over other subcultures?

The Constitutional Solution to Social Friction

The answer is found in the amazing foundational document of our nation,  the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.  The founders clearly understood that even in their day there were wide differences in the societal makeup of each of the original 13 countries that sought to form a union of nations to better protect them from predation by the established global European empires like Britain, France and Spain. 

Despite their victory over the British Empire, they knew the English would not let them alone for long as the War of 1812 soon proved. Even though the French allied with them during the Revolution, they also knew France was no friend to their plight and would attempt to capitalize on their fragile and vulnerable state.   So forming a union of all their individual countries would be the only solution to their security dilemma.

But what sort of nation would it be and how could they apply lessons learned from history?  Would they be a monarchy as well?  There were some who thought this to be the right path.  Would they be a direct democracy or be ruled an egalitarian elite?  There were many options, but they strikingly chose an entirely and utterly new approach, a representative republic with its government and politicians restrained by a Constitution designed to promote and protect the individual rights of every citizen from government overreach.

Very limited authority would be granted to this central government along with checks and balances and all other rights left to the member countries and the individual citizens.  Such a nation had never existed before and it still stands unique in the world. Current President Joe Biden famously said once; "There’s nothing special about being American -- none of you can define for me what an American is."  He eventually stumbled his way to stating, "The uniqueness of America is that we are a group of people who agreed on . . .  'We the People.'" 

That’s the point, there is something very special about being an American  - its being a free citizen in a nation dedicated and designed to protect the individual God-given rights of every citizen from other people, from the government and from threats outside our country.  That is why individualism is such a critical political philosophy. 

The Individualist Perspective:

It is this individual equality which is the only effective means which can possibly preserves social harmony.  When no one's rights are violated, curtailed or limited by anyone else including the government and all are treated equally by the law, then there can be the best opportunity for peaceful coexistence as far as human nature can allow. If we embrace individualism over identity politics we level the playing field for everyone.

Here are 6 ways in which individualism can ease social tensions and preserve freedom here in America;

  1.  Preservation of Individual Autonomy: The cornerstone of the pro-individualism argument lies in the preservation of individual autonomy. Absolute individual freedoms, such as absolute freedom of speech, prioritize the right of each person to express themselves authentically. This foundational principle not only fosters diversity within subcultures but also safeguards the essence of individuality that propels cultural evolution.

  2.  Avoidance of Government Overreach: An important aspect of upholding absolute individual freedoms is the prevention of government overreach. The idea is to create a society where individuals regardless of subcultures are free to develop independently, devoid of unwarranted interference. This ensures that diverse ways of life can coexist without being subjected to unnecessary and unconstitutional intervention.

  3.  Facilitation of Open Debate and Dialogue: Absolute individual freedoms free of government interference create an environment conducive to open debate and dialogue. In a society teeming with diverse subcultures composed of equally diverse individuals, the ability to discuss differing perspectives freely is vital for mutual understanding. The exchange of ideas, even controversial and repugnant ones, plays a crucial role in shaping the collective consciousness.

  4. Protection Against Majority Tyranny: A significant concern in any pluralistic society is the potential tyranny of the majority. This risk must be avoided at all costs if America is to remain the land of the free.  Absolute individual freedoms act as a safeguard, ensuring that all individual voices regardless of subculture are not silenced.   This protection is vital to prevent the imposition of homogeneous cultural norms enforced by threat of government violence.  Such homogeneity leads directly in tyranny and authoritarianism.

  5. Resilience Against Authoritarianism: Absolute individual freedoms act as a check against authoritarian tendencies. When individuals are free to express dissenting opinions and challenge authority, it helps prevent the concentration of power that could be detrimental to the existence of diverse subcultures. The resilience of a society is truly measured by its ability to tolerate dissent and encourage diverse viewpoints.

  6. Emphasis on Personal Responsibility: With absolute individual freedoms comes the emphasis on personal responsibility. The understanding is that individuals must respect the rights and freedoms of others. This emphasis on personal responsibility fosters a sense of accountability within the broader society, contributing to a more harmonious coexistence of every individual member of the various subcultures.


In navigating the intricate tapestry of every American subculture and their interactions, the pro-individualism perspective offers a compelling argument for the safeguarding of individual diversity through absolute individual freedoms. By prioritizing individual autonomy, avoiding government overreach, facilitating open dialogue, and promoting cultural innovation, a society can create an environment where diverse subcultures not only coexist but thrive because every individual's rights are preserved and protected. The emphasis on personal responsibility also ensures that the protection of individual freedoms does not come at the expense of infringing upon the rights of others.

In essence, absolute individual freedoms emerge as a beacon guiding American society toward a more inclusive and tolerant future for every individual, where the myriad voices within every subcultures harmonize in the symphony of true human diversity. Recognizing the complexities of this discourse ensures that our pursuit of individual liberties remains grounded in a broader commitment to the fundamental rights of every individual regardless of group identities, fostering a society where diverse individual perspectives coalesce into a rich and vibrant social fabric.


Embracing the Right to Be Unhappy: The Individualist's Guide to the Pursuit of Happiness