Exploring the foundations, application and ideals of Individualism.

Discover how individualism can enrich your life and promote your personal development

Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

Safeguarding True Diversity: The Case for Absolute Individual Freedoms in a Pluralistic Society

Interactions between subcultures are inevitable in a society as diverse as ours. These interactions can take various forms, from peaceful coexistence to heated debates and unfortunately even violent clashes. The dynamics among subcultures are influenced by factors such as historical context, political power plays, social activism, and prevailing societal norms. While some interactions are harmonious, others give rise to tensions.  There is an often overlooked component to these tensions masquerading as a solution - political manipulation of identity politics.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

Embracing the Right to Be Unhappy: The Individualist's Guide to the Pursuit of Happiness

Let's explore this concept of pursuing happiness a little deeper. As Individualists, we understand that in order to preserve rights we have to accept responsibility. In this case, if we want to preserve the right and responsibility to pursue happiness, we must accept the right and responsibility of our own unhappiness as well. In the pursuit of happiness, it might seem paradoxical to suggest that the right to be unhappy is an essential component of a fulfilling life. Society often encourages us to seek joy, pleasure, and contentment, while avoiding suffering at all costs.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

Taxation and Charity from the Individualist Perspective: The Case Against Government Wealth Redistribution

We as humans were never intended to see the suffering of the entire world.  It's too big of a problem for us to solve.  Instead, like the well-known tale of the boy throwing the starfish back into the ocean, we are meant to see and to freely choose to help those who are suffering near us and thus the whole world is helped. Pushing off our personal responsibilities to the government only exacerbates and increases the number of the problems.


Today, like Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol, many people turn a blind eye to the suffering occurring around them locally. They rely instead on some vague notion that they've paid their taxes and therefore solving these issues is now someone else's problem.  Oh, they will still march and protest for some popular cause related to something happening elsewhere on the planet, but that's as far as their altruism goes.  "Let the government fix it, that why we pay taxes" is their mantra.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

Unleashing the Power of Individualism: A Beacon of Freedom and Innovation

Close your eyes for a moment and envision a world where every person is not merely a face in the crowd but a radiant beacon of freedom, responsibility, and innovation. This vision goes beyond celebrating personal freedom; it is a celebration of individualism, the dynamic force that breathes life into our society's very essence. In this captivating journey, we'll explore the profound significance of individualism, a force that has the potential to set free the creative power within each person.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Importance of Social Heterogeneity and the Role of Individualism in Society

Societal heterogeneity, true diversity in all its facets, is an essential characteristic of modern democratic societies. Heterogeneity, the presence of a wide range of identities, backgrounds, and perspectives within a community, plays a vital role in shaping the cultural, social, and political landscape. Social heterogeneity is not the same thing as the  government enforced "Diversity" called for by collectivists which is actually not diversity at all but homogeneity empowered by identity politics.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Paradox of Diversity and Equality: Fostering Individuality in Society

The discussion on diversity and equality in our society is a topic of paramount importance, one that has gained considerable attention in recent years. Yet, amidst the pursuit of these noble ideals, an insurmountable paradox emerges, challenging our understanding of how they can coexist harmoniously. This paradox is deeply rooted in the tension between the imperative for conformity and the preservation of individuality. As advocates champion diversity, equality, and inclusion (often referred to as DEI), they call for a collective adherence to a specific set of values and beliefs, often through mandatory training programs in corporations and government agencies.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

Debunking Myths: The Power of Individualism in Fostering Strong Communities

Individualism is a foundational concept in many Western societies, emphasizing the autonomy and self-reliance of the individual. While it has long been celebrated as a fundamental aspect of personal freedom and liberty, individualism has also faced its fair share of myths. In this article, we will defend the value of individualism as a philosophical imperative while addressing common misconceptions or myths that often arise.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

Unlocking Your Potential: The Power of Self-Reliance and Individualism

There is a very practical reason why self-reliance is such a key component of individualism. It removes reliance on outside influences and authorities for both permission and approval for one's decisions. True individualism is the freedom of the individual to choose their own path based on whatever criteria, values, and beliefs they have chosen. It also requires taking personal responsibility for the consequences of one's decisions.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

From Economic Individualism to Corporate Dominance: Unmasking the Corruption of Capitalism

Economic individualism, the cornerstone of capitalism, has long been celebrated as the bedrock of free-market economies. It champions the idea that individuals, rather than the state, should be the primary drivers of economic decisions, leading to personal freedom, innovation, and prosperity. However, as we delve deeper into the dynamics of contemporary economies, it becomes increasingly apparent that the once-pure principles of capitalism have devolved into a more complex and nefarious system. This article aims to explore the economic implications of individualism and argue that what we practice today is closer to mercantilism disguised as corporatism, primarily due to the granting of civil rights to corporations.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Modern Influences (Part 8)

In the complex and ever-evolving landscape of modern thought, a diverse chorus of voices has risen to champion the values of individualism. This intellectual movement, rooted in Enlightenment ideals, has found renewed vigor in the face of contemporary challenges and opportunities. Writers and thinkers across a range of disciplines have ardently promoted and defended individualism as a cornerstone of human dignity, personal freedom, and societal progress. This final article in the Philosophical Foundations series delves into the works and ideas of some of the most influential modern proponents of individualism, exploring their contributions, insights, and the enduring impact of their thought on our understanding of autonomy, expression, and the human experience.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Existentialist Influences (Part 7)

The legacy of Existentialism on individualism endures. Its emphasis on authenticity, personal agency, and the quest for meaning continues to shape discussions about human identity, societal norms, and the role of the individual in a rapidly changing world. As modern societies navigate the complexities of existence, Existentialism's influence, whether ultimately positive or negative, underscores the ongoing importance of individual autonomy in the pursuit of truth

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Romanticism Influences (Part 6)

Moreover, the Romantic era was also marked by nationalism and a focus on collective identity in some regions, which can be seen as conflicting with certain individualist principles. While Romanticism did emphasize individualism in various ways, its impact on the true application of individualist principles is complex and multifaceted. Some aspects of Romanticism align with individualism, while others may not.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - American Influences (Part 5)

The enduring legacy of individualism can be seen in the United States' commitment to protecting civil liberties, fostering a diverse society that celebrates personal freedom and individual expression. Concepts such as the separation of powers, checks and balances, and the protection of minority rights continue to shape the structure of American government, ensuring that no single authority can dominate.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Enlightenment Influences (Part 4)

The Enlightenment's legacy continues to shape modern societies, where the ideals of personal autonomy, rational inquiry, and individual rights remain foundational to discussions about human freedom and progress. The Enlightenment's commitment to elevating the role of the individual in shaping society marked a turning point in human thought and culture, leaving an indelible mark on the trajectory of human progress.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Renaissance Influences (Part 3)

The Renaissance laid the groundwork for the modern understanding of individual autonomy, human rights, and personal freedom. Its legacy continues to shape the way individuals perceive themselves, their roles in society, and their potential for creativity and achievement. Through its profound influence on individualism, the Renaissance remains an enduring testament to the power of cultural and intellectual movements to shape the course of history and human thought.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Christian Influences (Part 2)

As Christianity spread throughout Europe during the Middle Ages and beyond, it became deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of Western societies. Christian values and beliefs shaped the legal systems, social norms, and moral standards of these societies. This influence contributed to the development of the Western individualistic identity, characterized by personal freedoms, respect for human rights, and the importance of individual conscience. 

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

If You're a Collectivist, You Advocate for Slavery

If you believe that the government should solve social issues like this, then there is no escaping the fact that you believe in and support slavery. 

That’s the final point – Collectivism always leads to the enslavement of the individual.  So, if you are a collectivist, then you advocate for slavery to some degree.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

If You're a Collectivist, You're Paving the Way to Tyranny

There should never be preferential treatment for any individual.   This is what we all expect as fair and just.  This is why Lady Justice is always depicted as being blindfolded.  It is not that she cannot see.  It is that she chooses to be blind and let the scales of justice apply equally to all.  It is not supposed to matter what ethnicity, socio-economic status, political affiliation, marital status, religious preference or life philosophy one lives by when it comes to matter of law and justice.

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