Exploring the foundations, application and ideals of Individualism.

Discover how individualism can enrich your life and promote your personal development

Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - American Influences (Part 5)

The enduring legacy of individualism can be seen in the United States' commitment to protecting civil liberties, fostering a diverse society that celebrates personal freedom and individual expression. Concepts such as the separation of powers, checks and balances, and the protection of minority rights continue to shape the structure of American government, ensuring that no single authority can dominate.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Enlightenment Influences (Part 4)

The Enlightenment's legacy continues to shape modern societies, where the ideals of personal autonomy, rational inquiry, and individual rights remain foundational to discussions about human freedom and progress. The Enlightenment's commitment to elevating the role of the individual in shaping society marked a turning point in human thought and culture, leaving an indelible mark on the trajectory of human progress.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Renaissance Influences (Part 3)

The Renaissance laid the groundwork for the modern understanding of individual autonomy, human rights, and personal freedom. Its legacy continues to shape the way individuals perceive themselves, their roles in society, and their potential for creativity and achievement. Through its profound influence on individualism, the Renaissance remains an enduring testament to the power of cultural and intellectual movements to shape the course of history and human thought.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

If You're a Collectivist, You Advocate for Slavery

If you believe that the government should solve social issues like this, then there is no escaping the fact that you believe in and support slavery. 

That’s the final point – Collectivism always leads to the enslavement of the individual.  So, if you are a collectivist, then you advocate for slavery to some degree.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

If You're a Collectivist, You're Paving the Way to Tyranny

There should never be preferential treatment for any individual.   This is what we all expect as fair and just.  This is why Lady Justice is always depicted as being blindfolded.  It is not that she cannot see.  It is that she chooses to be blind and let the scales of justice apply equally to all.  It is not supposed to matter what ethnicity, socio-economic status, political affiliation, marital status, religious preference or life philosophy one lives by when it comes to matter of law and justice.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

If You're a Collectivist, You Reject Personal Responsibility

So ask yourself, am I helping push us back into the dark ages as I support collectivist ideas and politicians, or am I fulfilling my actual destiny and working towards ushering in the future where people are free and able to govern themselves?  Do I accept the responsibility that comes with my rights and freedoms or am I giving it all away for the empty promises of petty tyrants?

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