Exploring the foundations, application and ideals of Individualism.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Enlightenment Influences (Part 4)

The Enlightenment's legacy continues to shape modern societies, where the ideals of personal autonomy, rational inquiry, and individual rights remain foundational to discussions about human freedom and progress. The Enlightenment's commitment to elevating the role of the individual in shaping society marked a turning point in human thought and culture, leaving an indelible mark on the trajectory of human progress.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Philosophical Foundations of Individualism - Christian Influences (Part 2)

As Christianity spread throughout Europe during the Middle Ages and beyond, it became deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of Western societies. Christian values and beliefs shaped the legal systems, social norms, and moral standards of these societies. This influence contributed to the development of the Western individualistic identity, characterized by personal freedoms, respect for human rights, and the importance of individual conscience. 

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