Here we apply the principles of individuality to the demands and rigors of authentic masculinity.

The individual call to noble masculinity is one we must follow!

Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

Redefining the Alpha Male: Embracing Traditional Masculinity and Individualism

In the age of social media, the term "alpha male" has become a subject of widespread misconception, completely distorting masculinity by sensationalism and stereotypes. Platforms like Instagram and Twitter frequently propagate an image of the alpha male as hyper-aggressive, hyper-sexual, and hyper-greedy consumed by displaying a retailer's ideal of status symbols. The very same behaviors derided as "toxic masculinity" and the very same behaviors long-promoted by advertisers and media.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Emotional Depth of Men: Dispelling Myths and Celebrating the Resilience in Masculinity

In a world full of stereotypes and misconceptions, one persistent and horrible myth continues to cast its shadow over half of the human population – the idea that men are devoid of emotion or are somehow incapable of effectively expressing emotions. However, delving beyond the surface, it becomes evident that not only are men emotional beings, but they navigate their emotions with a distinct prowess and skill, not easily deciphered by the casual observer.

Emotions are not merely something we feel, nor are they something we keep at the surface to be shared with any and all that come along.  No, emotions for men are deeper.  They are primal, cosmic and powerful.  In this article, we will try to dispel some of the myths and reveal some truths.

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