Applying the principles of Individualism to the world of American politics.

Discover how the Great American Experiment is powered by and reliant on a strong Individualist foundation.

Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Imperative of Government Neutrality: Equality Under the Law

In a democratic society and especially within a Constitutional Republic such as ours, the fundamental principle that government should always be neutral and balanced in all of its actions is the bedrock upon which the rule of law stands. Central to this principle is the concept that all laws should apply equally to all citizens. This ensures fairness, protects individual rights, and promotes a just and harmonious society. In this article, we will make the argument for government neutrality and examine counterarguments that challenge this core principle.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Personal is Not Political: The Proper Role of Government

In recent years, the idea that "the personal is political" has gained significant prominence in discussions surrounding social justice and activism. This concept, which originated in feminist movements of the 1960s and 1970s, suggests that personal experiences and choices are inherently political and, therefore, open to scrutiny and critique.  Politicians and political activists have seized this idea and used it to justify a whole range of intrusions into the lives of Americans. We reject this concept entirely and posit instead that the personal is not political.

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