Unmasking the Path to Totalitarianism: Is America's Left on a Dangerous Course?

In recent years, American politics has witnessed a significant shift on the political left in terms of its political and social rhetoric. Its efforts to use public policy and social activism to enforce its beliefs and values on everyone have moved in an extreme direction. Real concerns are emerging that the political left  is, perhaps unknowingly, taking a perilous path towards a totalitarian future. This article explores the historical context of totalitarianism and raises questions about whether the Left is unwittingly paving the way for an American future devoid of individual freedom. The principle is simple; if we will not govern ourselves, we will be governed by others.

Totalitarianism: A Historical Perspective:

Totalitarianism, a term coined by Benito Mussolini in the early 1920s, is often defined as  a form of government that seeks to exert absolute control through coercion and repression over all aspects of individual life at the expense of personal freedom. The reality is, however, that totalitarianism doesn't seek total control, but rather it seeks critical control. No freedoms or decisions that could possibly threaten the control or the narrative of the state are allowed. 

Totalitarianism can be distinguished from other forms of authoritarian rule such as dictatorship, despotism, or tyranny by its replacing of all social and political institutions with new ones and its destruction of all previous legal, social, and political traditions.  The same behaviors can be seen in the political and social agendas of the left today. Attacks on traditional social and family structures, the banning of speakers with different points of view from public spaces, the use of sanctioned violence or lack of enforcement of laws as long as it is ideologically based and the sexualization of public education all illustrate this disturbing trend.

To make the connection clear, let's examine the path from freedom into totalitarianism. As this path is begun, at first traditional social values, institutions and organizations are maligned, then discouraged and eventually suppressed. Thus, the social fabric is gradually weakened and people become more accepting of the narrative being spun until people believe it was their own idea all along.  Slowly they become amenable to absorption into a single, unified movement with approved terms, approved values and approved truths. Participation in approved public movements and organizations is at first lauded and promoted, then highly encouraged, and then required.

Old religious, family and social ties are subtly supplanted by artificial ties to the state and its ideology. As acts, principles and laws based on pluralism and individualism are derided, then blacklisted and finally outlawed, most of the people embrace what is becoming visibly a totalitarian state and its ideology. The wonderful diversity of individuals blurs, replaced by a mass conformity (or at least acquiescence) to the beliefs and behavior sanctioned by the state. This is accelerated by using "threats to public harmony or safety" in the form of internal or external "enemies of the people."

Along the way, violence and lack of safety become useful tools to push the need for more control by the state.  Large-scale organized violence is at first merely justified, then it becomes permissible and then sometimes necessary due to the inequities of the old order. Eventually, it becomes accepted to punish anyone who clings to or defends the old values and practices.  In Communist China, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, whole classes of people were singled out for persecution and punishment. In America today, all of these characteristics are becoming evident as we are being pulled towards a totalitarian future by the left and its abandonment of the principles of freedom and self-governance.

Contemporary Politics and the Left:

In recent times, the left has championed many policies that directly infringe upon individual liberties. Whether intentional or not, by coercing private behavior via government edict, by overriding personal freedoms for a supposed public good, by refusing to engage in dialogue with those trying to protect individual rights and liberties, and by above all else insisting that everyone acquiesce to and accept their values and world view or risk being canceled, losing livelihood and being driven from the public square, the left is exhibiting classic "soft" totalitarian behaviors. 

It's not so much about what they value, promote and advocate for as much as it is about the methodologies they are employing that are dragging the nation into the possibility of a dystopian "1984" future.   Where individualism says live and let live, the political left is increasingly demanding that everyone must believe and practice what they approve or suffer social, economic or even legal consequences.  This collectivist obsession with demanding everyone must agree with and behave like them is the very real danger to the freedoms of all Americans.

In all fairness, this is not behavior that is only portrayed on the political left.  The political right has also strayed from time to time into this same territory and were vigorously opposed by the political left when they did so.  So this is not a problem that is specific to the right or to the left.  It is a problem based on trying to use collectivist principles to accomplish individual outcomes.  However, the political left has not only strayed into this territory, but they have apparently decided to fully embrace these totalitarian tactics. 

The social contract of freedom and self-government by which we all live together cooperatively requires us to engage in civil debate, find common ground where we can, and where we can't find common ground, do not force the other side's acquiescence through violence or government action. If the social contract is enforced by collectivists of the right or left, then individual freedom, autonomy and rights are trampled under the tyranny of the majority and this leads us down the path to totalitarianism.  However, if the social contract is operated under the ideals of individualism, the tyranny of the majority is defeated and no one has their individual freedoms, autonomy or rights violated. 

The Risks and the Prevention

From an individualist perspective, it can be argued that certain elements of the political left, in their current pursuit of social justice and equality, are already moving the nation into a form of soft totalitarianism. This argument is based on the concern that some on the left are vehemently advocating for a level of enforcement based on collectivism that infringes upon individual liberties and diversity of thought. Rather than allowing those who disagree on these very personal and private issues to hold their own beliefs and values, acceptance of and adherence to these new societal "norms" is being enforced through "cancel culture", de-platforming, de-monetizing and even by criminal and civil legislation. 

Some on the left, and likely a majority, are seemingly no longer content to live and let live when it comes to their social and political agenda.  They are increasingly unwilling to engage in discussion, allow for opposition voices to be heard or to even allow opposing views to be personally held.  This is that first stage of totalitarianism mentioned previously.  How do we prevent this from dividing the nation and driving us all into full-blown totalitarianism? Here are some areas of concern and how an individualist approach can solve them to the benefit of all.

  • Cancel Culture versus Freedom of Thought and Self-Expression

When the political left demands strict adherence by everyone to their values and beliefs in order to be allowed into the public square, it presupposes that they alone are right and no opposition is to be tolerated. There is no free exchange of ideas, no open dialogue, just pure ideological obedience. Further, no dissent is tolerated, and thus by default they insist on the infringement of the individual freedom of thought and self-expression.  The unhinged demand that no one holding an opposing belief should be allowed to speak in the public square is a sure step into totalitarianism.

On the other hand, individualists value the freedom to hold diverse beliefs and opinions without fear of censorship or ostracization. This is a freedom we willingly extend to everyone. In the free marketplace of ideas, truth will always win if it is freely expressed and freely sought.  Rather than seeking to force those who do not agree with us to adopt our values, individualists simply require everyone to not infringe on the liberties of others.  In doing so, the truth will come to light in all cases and the best approach to any problem can be found.

  • Government Intervention versus Self Government

When some on the left advocate for government intervention to enforce their values and beliefs through laws and regulations, the outcome is always a reduction in personal freedom and liberty. This holds true even in the situations where the right attempts to use government power to enforce their values and beliefs on others.  This raises questions about the role and power of the government in our individual lives. When the government is used as a tool to enforce a particular ideology, it undermines the principle of limited government and opens the door to totalitarian authority.

However, if we can all agree that government power and interference in our lives should be restricted to the highest degree possible, and that the freedoms protected by the Constitution are absolute, then we can actually find better ways of problem solving.  Individualists value personal autonomy and the right of the individual to live their life as they see fit. Again, this is a freedom we willingly extend to everyone. If everyone is free in their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, everyone wins.

  • Singularity of Thought versus Diversity of Thought

A very evident truth to any external observer is that while the political left is constantly stating that they are all about diversity and inclusion, the reality of their ideology as being expressed currently is the exact opposite of being diverse and inclusive.  Rather than allowing a multiplicity of viewpoints and ideas, the political left insists on a singular set of values and beliefs to which everyone must swear obedience and acceptance.  This actually then stifles diversity, prevents inclusion, and hinders the exploration of alternative ideas and solutions. With no contrarian voices allowed, the stage is clearly set for a totalitarian reality. The film footage of masses of Germans, Russians and Chinese chanting in unison to the same ideas and slogans approved by their respective totalitarian regimes should chill us all as we compare this to the behavior of some on the left today.

Individualists argue that diversity of thought is a strength in society, as it leads to innovation and progress. No one should ever be forced to agree with or abide by someone else's personal beliefs or values that are contrary to their own. The power of the state should never, never be allowed to punish one ideology in favor of another.  The moment that the power of government is tipped in favor of either side of the political spectrum, the outcome for everyone is catastrophic.  No one is spared the ensuing violence and darkness.  If, instead, we choose to give space to everyone, allow true diversity in thought, self-expression and liberty of every individual, the darkness is banished and the light of liberty shines on us all.

In conclusion, there is a legitimate concern that elements of the political left are contributing to a creeping encroachment on individual liberties by demanding conformity to their values through the use of government authority and social ostracization. This is the path into totalitarianism.  Safeguarding individual liberties requires a commitment to self-government including open dialogue, diversity of thought, and the protection of individual rights for the benefit of all. Through education, awareness, and a dedication to individualism, we can work towards a society that upholds these fundamental principles and guards against the encroachment of totalitarianism.


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