Applying the principles of Individualism to the world of American politics.

Discover how the Great American Experiment is powered by and reliant on a strong Individualist foundation.

Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Imperative of Government Neutrality: Equality Under the Law

In a democratic society and especially within a Constitutional Republic such as ours, the fundamental principle that government should always be neutral and balanced in all of its actions is the bedrock upon which the rule of law stands. Central to this principle is the concept that all laws should apply equally to all citizens. This ensures fairness, protects individual rights, and promotes a just and harmonious society. In this article, we will make the argument for government neutrality and examine counterarguments that challenge this core principle.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

The Slippery Slope of Safety: Protecting Freedom Amidst Escalating Violence and Conflict

it is crucial that we scrutinize the dangers of the government's response, drawing parallels with the ill-famed Patriot Act and its erosion of privacy and freedom.  The terrorists actions on 9/11 and the American government's response resulted in the disastrous Patriot Act that grossly violated the rights of Americans and multi-decade wars that cost the lives of thousands.


This article contends that while maintaining public safety is vital, the United States must not compromise its foundational principles of freedom and privacy by further curtailing civil liberties in response to violent protests or possible terrorist actions linked to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian war. The perilous path of sacrificing essential freedoms for transient security must be avoided.

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Ron Murphy Ron Murphy

Unmasking the Path to Totalitarianism: Is America's Left on a Dangerous Course?

In recent years, American politics has witnessed a significant shift on the political left in terms of its political and social rhetoric. Its efforts to use public policy and social activism to enforce its beliefs and values on everyone have moved in an extreme direction. Real concerns are emerging that the political left  is, perhaps unknowingly, taking a perilous path towards a totalitarian future. This article explores the historical context of totalitarianism and raises questions about whether the Left is unwittingly paving the way for an American future devoid of individual freedom. The principle is simple; if we will not govern ourselves, we will be governed by others.

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